Peeling a pomegranate can be a messy and time-consuming task, but with this new method, you can get a whole bowl of pomegranate seeds in just 2 minutes. No more splattering juice or frustration! Here’s how to peel a pomegranate quickly, cleanly, and efficiently.
What You’ll Need:
- A sharp knife
- A large bowl
- A wooden spoon or similar utensil
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Step 1: Cut Off the Crown
Remove the Crown: Start by cutting off the top of the pomegranate (the part with the crown) using a sharp knife. Cut about 1/2 inch from the top, just deep enough to expose the seeds without cutting into them.
Step 2: Score the Skin Score the Skin:
Gently score the skin of the pomegranate by making shallow cuts along the natural ridges of the fruit. Usually, you can find 5-6 sections by looking for the white pith lines that divide the seeds inside. Make these cuts from the top to the bottom of the fruit without cutting all the way through.
Step 3: Break Apart the Sections
Gently Pull Apart: Use your hands to gently pull the pomegranate apart along the scored lines. It should easily separate into sections. Do this over a large bowl to catch any falling seeds.
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