This Is the Right Way to Clean a Flat Screen TV Safely


Can I Use Windex on a TV Screen?

While it may be tempting to use Windex, don’t use it on flat screen televisions like LCDs. Windex and other glass cleaners like it contain ammonia and alcohol, which can damage the delicate screens on LED, LCD and plasma screens. In some cases, it can cause a chemical reaction with the materials on the surface that will leave the screen cloudy. If you buy a screen cleaning product, be sure to check that it does not contain alcohol or ammonia.

Televisions with glass screens, like the old tube kind, can be cleaned with Windex or similar products. In those increasingly rare instances, just clean the screen like you would clean a window.

Do I Need a Special Screen Cleaner?

Save your money — screen cleaners are no more effective than water.

One search on Amazon and you’ll find all sorts of screen cleaners claiming to make your TV screen sparkle. But if a little water can do the same job, there’s no need to add yet another cleaner to your cluttered cabinet. Most TV manufacturers advise to simply use water and a soft cleaning cloth.


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